Thursday, August 29, 2013

My First Finished Sons Of Horus Legion Tactical Marines

 Today I finished my first 3 Sons of Horus legion diespoiler tactical marines.  It took a week to paint these 3 guys since I couldn't make my mind up on how to paint the different parts.  However I am very happy with how they turned out and form now on the painting process should be much faster since I have everything established color and technique wise instead of making it up as I go.

  I am going for the look and theme of them being in the middle of a battle. So I am doing heavy weathering on the models as well as battle damage to make them look like they are beat to hell. I also am planning on adding some blood splatter to them but I haven't figured out how yet.  Since I don't want to over do it because they are SOH not World Eaters.

This army is the first time I have ever tried weather/ paint chipping and I am very happy with the results for my first time.  I also plan on adding some weathering pigments for mud and dust.  However I need to figure out what I am going to do for my bases first.  Right now I am torn between getting resin bases or making my own.  I also cant decide if I want to do a city ruble type, rocky, or a wetland type of base.  Until I figure that out I wont had the pigments because the color I put on might not fit the terrain I en up going with.

The first guy holding a chain axe with some bronzed skull trophies also the notches on their right eye signify each worth enemy they have killed in battle

These are individual shots of the other 2 guys

-Clark Grizwald-

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